Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

net result is nothing more than to sow the seed of constructive
thought in the mind of the student, my work will have been done.
Time, plus the student's own desire for knowledge, will do the rest.
Frankly, many of the suggestions passed on through this course
would, if literally followed, lead you far beyond the bounds of what
is ordinarily called business philosophy. The course goes more deeply
into the functioning processes of the human mind than is necessary
for the use of this philosophy as a means of achieving business or
financial success. However, it is presumed that many students of this
course will wish to do just that, and I have had these students in
mind throughout the labor of organizing and writing this course.


We have discovered that the human body consists of billions of living,
intelligent, individual cells that carryon a very definite, well-organized
work of building, developing, and maintaining the body.
We have discovered that these cells are directed, in their respective
duties, by the subconscious or automatic action of the mind; that the
subconscious section of the mind can be, to a very large extent, con-
trolled and directed by the conscious or voluntary section of the mind.
We have found that any idea or any thought that is held in the
mind, through repetition, has a tendency to direct the physical body
to transform such thought or idea into its material equivalent. We have
found that any order that is properly given to the subconscious section
of the mind, through the law of autosuggestion, will be carried out
unless it is sidetracked or countermanded by another and stronger
order. We have found that the subconscious mind does not question
the source from which it receives orders, nor the soundness of those
orders, but it will proceed to direct the body to carry out any order it

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