have been examined, and accepted, by the conscious mind. This is
Nature's way of safeguarding the human being against intruders who
would otherwise take control of any mind at will.
It is a wise arrangement.
The Value oj Autosuggestion in
Achieving Your Definite Chief Aim
One of the greatest uses to which you may direct the power of auto-
suggestion is in having it help accomplish the object of your Definite
Chief Aim in life.
The way to do this is very simple. While the exact formula has
been stated in Lesson Two, and referred to in many other lessons of
the course, I will describe again the principle on which it is based:
Write out a clear, concise statement of what you intend to accom-
plish as your Definite Chief Aim, covering a period of perhaps the next
five years. Make at least two copies of your statement, one to be placed
where you can read it several times a day while you are at work, and
another to be placed where it can be read several times each evening
before you go to sleep, and just after you arise in the morning.
The suggestive influence of this procedure, impractical though it
may seem, will soon impress the object of your Definite Chief Aim
on your subconscious mind. Within a very short time you will begin
to observe events taking place that will lead you nearer and nearer the
attainment of that object.
From the very day that you reach a definite decision in your
own mind as to the precise thing, condition, or position in life that
you deeply desire, you will observe, if you read books, newspapers,
and magazines, that important news items and other data bearing on
the object of your Definite Chief Aim will begin to come to your
attention. You will also observe opportunities beginning to come to
you that will, if embraced, lead you nearer and nearer the coveted goal
of your desire.