Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

that of the principle of evolution as nearly as possible. The first
lesson laid the foundation for the second, and the second prepared
the way for the third, and so on. I have tried to build this course by
a series of steps, each of which lifts the student just another level
higher and nearer the apex of the pyramid that the course, as a whole,

The purpose in building the course in this manner cannot be
described in words, but that purpose will become dear when you have
mastered it, for its mastery will open to you a source of knowledge
that cannot be imparted by one to another. It is attainable only by
drawing out and expanding from within one's own mind.
With this vague hint as to the reward that awaits all who earn-
estly and intelligently search for the hidden passageway to knowledge
to which I refer, we will now discuss the phase of Accurate Thinking
that will take you as high as you can go-except through the discovery
and use of that secret passageway.

You never can tell what your thoughts will do
In bringing you hate or love,
For thoughts are things, and their airy wings
Are swifter than a carrier dove.
They follow the law oj the universe,
Each thing must create its kind,
And they speed o'er the track to bring you back
Whatever went out from your mind.

Thoughts are things. It is the belief of many that every completed
thought starts an unending vibration with which the one who releases
it will have to contend at a later time; that man is but the physical
reflection of thought that was put into motion by infinite intelligence.

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