You should make it a point to associate with people whose mental
attitudes inspire you with Enthusiasm, Self-Confidence, determina-
tion, and ambition.
Remember that every word spoken within your hearing, every
sight that reaches your eyes, and every sense impression that you
receive through any of the five senses, will influence your thoughts.
This being true, can you not see the importance of controlling, as
far as possible, the environment in which you live and work? Can
you not see the importance of reading books which deal with sub-
jects that are directly related to your Definite Chief Aim? Can you
not see the importance of talking with people who are in sympathy
with your aims, and who will encourage you and spur you on toward
their attainment?
An observant person could accurately analyze someone by seeing
their work environment. A well-organized desk will usually indicate
a well-organized mind. Show me the shelves in a store and I will tell
you whether the manager of that store has an organized or disorgan-
ized mind. There is a close relationship between one's mental attitude
and one's physical environment.
The effects of environment so vitally influence those who work in
factories, stores, and offices, that most employers have become well
aware of the importance of creating an environment that inspires and
encourages their workers.
This would be an appropriate place at which to describe the method
through which you may apply the principles directly and indirectly
related to the subject of Concentration. I call this method the Magic
Key to Success.
In presenting you with this magic key, let me first explain that it
is no invention or discovery of mine. It is the same key that is used,