influence, due to your great ability as a public speaker. See yourself
engaged in a life-calling in which you will not fear the loss of your
Paint this picture clearly, through the powers of your Imagination,
and it will soon become transformed into a beautiful picture of deeply
seated desire. Use this desire as the chief object of your Concentration
and observe what happens.
You should now understand how the secret of the magic key
is Concentration. Do not underestimate its power because it did
not come to you clothed in mysticism, or because it is described in
language that anyone can understand. All great truths are simple in
final analysis, and easily understood. If they are not, they are not
great truths.
Use the magic key with intelligence and only for the attainment
of worthy ends, and it will bring you enduring happiness and suc-
cess. Forget the mistakes you have made and the failures you have
experienced. Quit living in the past, for your yesterdays never return.
If your previous efforts have not turned out well, start all over again
and make the future tell a story of success.
Make a name for yourself and render the world a great service,
through ambition, desire, and concentrated effort.
You can do it if you believe you can!
It is impossible to read this or any of the other lessons of Law of Success
without recognizing that the principles Napoleon Hill wrote about are so inter-
related, and they intersect with each other in so many ways and on so many
levels, that a key concept or idea may be stated and restated numerous times
with slightly different shadings. Hill comments on this himself, pointing out that
the repetition is intentional in his structure of lessons that are designed to build
one upon the other.