In chemistry we learn that two or more elements may be so
compounded that the result is something entirely different in nature
from any of the individual elements. For example, ordinary water,
known by the formula H 2 0, is a compound consisting of two atoms
of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, but water is neither hydrogen
nor oxygen. This "marrying" of elements creates an entirely different
substance from that of either of its component parts.
The same law through which this transformation of physical ele-
ments takes place may be responsible for the powers resulting from
the alliance of two or more people-in a perfect state of harmony and
understanding-for the attainment of a given end.
This world, and all matter, is made up of a form of energy. On
the other hand, thought, and that which we call the "mind," is also a
form of energy. Thought, in other words, is organized energy.
Now, if all matter, in final analysis, consists of energy, and if the
mind is nothing but a form of highly organized energy, it is possible
that the laws which affect matter may also govern the mind.
And if combining two or more elements of matter, in the proper
proportion and under the right conditions, will produce something
entirely different from those original elements, as in the case of H 2 0,
do you not see how it is possible to so combine the energy of two or
more minds that the result will be a sort of composite mind that is
totally different from the individual minds of which it consists?
You have undoubtedly noticed how you are influenced in the
presence of other people. Some people inspire you with optimism
and Enthusiasm. Their very presence seems to stimulate your own
mind to greater action, and this not only seems to be true but it is true.
You have also noticed that the presence of some others had a tendency
to lower your vitality and depress you; a tendency which I can assure
you was very real!
What, then, do you imagine could be the cause of these changes
that come over us when we come within range of certain people, unless
it is a change resulting from the blending or combining of their minds