In the early 1890s a number of people had been experimenting with radio
signals. Professor Oliver Lodge, a British physicist at Oxford, had already suc-
ceeded in transmitting Morse signals over a relatively short range, but for him it
was just an academic exercise and he didn't pursue it further.
In 1895, after building the equipment and transmitting electrical signals over
short distances at home, Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi became obsessed
with the idea of sending messages across the ocean. In 1901 he built a powerful
transmitter at the southwest tip of England, then installed a receiving station at
St. Johns, Newfoundland, and on December 12, 1901, he received signals from
across the Atlantic.
Following Marconi's success, one report said that his ideas were the
products of Lodges mind, not his own. Lodge, however, had failed to see the
potential application of wireless, while Marconi understood it and set about
applying it.
In light of the thinking of the time, it is not hard to see why Hill might have
seen this new principle of sending and receiving radio-wave vibrations as being
the answer to the phenomenon we've all experienced of picking up "vibes" from
other people. Although Hills theory was not proven to be right, it should also be
pointed out that no one has yet come up with a better explanation.
Now, it seems reasonable to suppose that thought, being the most
highly organized form of energy known, is constantly sending waves
through the ether, but these waves, like those of sound, can only be
detected and correctly interpreted by a properly attuned mind.
I have not a doubt that when Dr. Gates sat down in a room and put
himself in a quiet, passive state of mind, the dominating thoughts in
his mind served as a force that attracted the related or similar thought
waves of others.
Taking the hypothesis just a step further, it has occurred to me
many times that every thought that has ever been released in organ-
ized form, from the mind of any human being, is still in existence in
the form of a wave and is constantly passing around and around in