Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

use his wealth and knowledge to "create a better world for this and future genera-
tions. " He called this his "magnificent obsession:'
They were philosophically in perfect harmony. Stone persuaded Hill to forget
about retirement, and by the end of the luncheon they had created the foundation
for what would become the strongest Master Mind alliance of Hill's career. To
further spread Hill's message, Stone would manage his activities and provide
financial backing. They formed Napoleon Hill Associates.
Stone's business goal was more than realized. With Hill motivating his staff,
the company's assets reached nine hundred million dollars. To reach what was
the personal goal of both, Napoleon Hill Associates produced books, courses,
lectures, inspirational films, radio programs, and eventually television shows.
The success of their business partnership and Master Mind alliance
continued until 1961-always with a handshake, never a contract. Their friend-
ship continued throughout the rest of Hill's life.
Napoleon Hill died November 8, 1970, at the age of eighty-seven. W Clement
Stone died September 3, 2002, at the age of one hundred, having fulfilled his
magnificent obsession by donating more than $275 million to various charities
over his lifetime.

The educator who discovers a way to stimulate any mind and
cause it to rise above its usual stopping point, without any bad reac-
tionary effects, will confer a blessing on humanity second to none.
I am not referring to physical stimulants. I am referring to a purely
mental stimulant, such as that which comes through intense interest,
desire, Enthusiasm, love, and so on--the factors out of which a Master
Mind may be developed.
The person who makes this discovery will also do much toward
solving the crime problem. You can do almost anything with a person
when you learn how to influence their mind. The human mind may
be likened to a great field. It is a very fertile field that always produces
a crop of the kind of seed that is sown in it. The problem, then, is to
learn how to select the right sort of seed and how to sow that seed
so that it takes root and grows quickly.

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