Mr. Firestone's industrial achievement has made dollars multiply
themselves so rapidly that his name has become a byword wherever
automobiles are operated.
All three men began their business and professional careers with
no capital and but little schooling of the nature usually referred to
as "education:'
Perhaps Mr. Ford's beginning was, by far, the most humble of the
three. Cursed with poverty and with lack of even the most elementary
form of schooling, and handicapped by ignorance in many forms, he
has mastered all of these in the inconceivably short period of twenty-
five years.
Thus might we briefly describe the achievements of three well-
known, successfUl men of power. But we have been dealing with effect
only. The true philosopher wishes to know something of the cause
that produced these desirable effects.
It is a matter of public knowledge that Mr. Ford, Mr. Edison,
and Mr. Firestone are close personal friends, that they go away to
the woods once a year for a period of recuperation and rest.
But it is not generally known-it is doubtful if these three men,
themselves, even know it-that there exists between the three men a
bond of harmony out of which has grown a Master Mind that is being
used by each of the three; a mind that has the capacity to "tune in" on
forces with which most men are to no extent familiar.
Let us repeat the statement that out of the blending and harmo-
nizing of two or more minds (twelve or thirteen minds appear to be
the most favorable number) may be produced a mind that has the
capacity to "tune in" and pick up kindred thoughts on any subject.
Through the principle of harmony of minds, Ford, Edison,
and Firestone have created a Master Mind which now supplements
the efforts of each of the three, and whether consciously or uncon-
sciously, this Master Mind is the cause of the success of each of the