- From the universal storehouse, in which I believe all thought
vibration is preserved.
Neither any known natural law nor human reason supports the
theory of communication with a person who has died.
Any individual may explore the store of knowledge in another's
mind through this principle of mind chemistry, and it seems reason-
able to suppose that this power may be extended to include contact
with whatever vibrations are available in the ether, if there are any.
Matter and energy (the two known elements of the universe) may
be transformed, but neither created nor destroyed. The theory that all
the higher and more refined vibrations, such as those of thought, are
preserved grows out of that fact. It is reasonable to suppose that all
vibrations that have been stepped up sufficiently will go on forever.
The lower vibrations probably live a natural life and die out.
All the so-called geniuses probably gained their reputations because
by mere chance or otherwise, they formed alliances with other minds
which enabled them to step up their own mind vibrations and enabled
them to contact the vast Temple of Knowledge recorded and filed in
the ether of the universe.
Inquiring further into the source of economic power as manifested
by achievements in the field of business, let us study the Chicago group
known as the Big Six, consisting of William Wrigley Jr., who owns the
chewing gum business bearing his name, and whose individual income
is said to be more than $15 million a year; John R. Thompson, who
operates the chain of lunch rooms bearing his name; Mr. Lasker, who
owns the Lord & Thomas Advertising Agency; Mr. McCullough, who
owns the Parmalee Express Company, the largest transfer business in
America; and Mr. Ritchie and Mr. Hertz, who own the Yellow Taxicab
business. A reliable financial reporting company has estimated the yearly
income of these six men at upward of $25 million, or an average of
more than $4 million a year per man.