lawyer; two men own large business colleges of their own; one man
is a professor in the department of economics at one of the largest
universities in America; one is president of one of the large automobile
manufacturing companies; two are presidents of banks, and wealthy
men; one man is the owner of a large department store; one is vice
president of one of the great railway systems of this country; one is
a well-established certified public accountant; one is dead; and the
thirteenth is mysel£
Eleven successes out of a class of thirteen boys is not a bad record,
thanks to the spirit of action developed through the training from that
business college.
It is not the schooling you have had that counts; it is the extent
to which you express that which you learned from your schooling,
through well-organized and intelligently directed action.
By no means would I belittle higher education, but I would offer
hope and encouragement to those who have had no such education,
provided that they express what they do ~ow, no matter how little,
in intensive action along constructive lines.
Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents who ever occu-
pied the White House, had little schooling. But he did such a good job
of expressing what knowledge he acquired by that little schooling,
through properly directed action, that his name has been inseparably
woven into the history of the United States.
Every city, town, and hamlet has its population of ne'er-do-wells,
and if you will analyze these unfortunate people, you will observe that
one of their most notable characteristics is procrastinatiqn.
Lack of action has caused them to slip backward into a rut, where
they will remain unless they are unexpectedly forced out and unusual
action becomes necessary. Don't let yourself get into that situation.
Every office and every shop and every bank and every store and
every other place of employment has its outstanding victims of pro-
crastination who are marching down the dusty road of failure because