of your own body and affect those cells in a manner that harmonizes
with the nature of the thoughts.
Action, in the sense the term is used in this lesson, is of two forms.
One is physical and the other is mental. You can be very active with
your mind while your body is entirely inactive. Or you can be very
active with both body and mind.
There are essentially two kinds of people of action. One might be
called the caretaker type and the other the promoter or salesperson
type. Both types are essential in business, industry, and finance. One
of them is known as a dynamo while the other is often referred to as
a balance wheel.
Once in a great while you find someone who is both a dynamo
and a balance wheel, but such a personality combination is rare. Most
successful business organizations are made up of both types.
The balance-wheel type who does nothing but compile facts and
figures and statistics is just as much a person of action as the one
who gets on a stage and sells an idea to a thousand people by the sheer
power of their active personality. To determine whether or not some-
one is a person of action, it is necessary to analyze both their mental
and their physical habits.
Earlier in this lesson I said that the world pays you for what you
do and not for what you know. That statement might easily be mis-
construed. What the world really pays you for is what you do or what
you can get others to do.
A person who can induce others to cooperate and do effective
teamwork, or inspire others so that they become more active, is no
less a person of action than the one who renders effective service in
a more direct manner.
In the field of industry and business there are people who have
the ability to so inspire and direct the efforts of others that all under