yourself, and endeavor to see that each person takes the part for
which their temperament and native ability best fit.
The dynamo, or promoter type, makes an able salesperson and
organizer. The balance wheel, or caretaker type, makes an excellent
conserver of assets after they have been accumulated.
Place the caretaker type in charge of a set of books and they are
happy, but place them on the outside selling and they are unhappy
and will be a failure at their job. Place the promoter type in charge
of a set of books and they will be miserable. Their nature demands
more intense action. Action of the passive type will not satisfy their
ambitions, and if they are kept at work that does not give them
the action that their nature demands, they will be a failure. It very
frequently turns out that people who embezzle funds in their charge
are of the promoter type and they would not have yielded to that
temptation had their efforts been confined to the work for which
they are best suited.
Give a person the sort of work that harmonizes with their nature,
and the best there is in them will exert itselE One of the tragedies of
the world is that most people never find the work for which they are
best suited by nature.
Too often the mistake is made, in the selection of a life's work,
of engaging only in the work that seems to be the most monetarily
profitable. If money alone brought success, this procedure would be
all right, but success in its highest and noblest form calls for peace of
mind and enjoyment and happiness which come only to the person
who has found the work that they like best.
An important purpose of this Law of Success course is to help
you analyze yourself to determine what your native ability best fits
you to do. You should make this analysis by carefully studying the
comparison chart at the beginning of this book before selecting your
Definite Chief Aim.