A group composing a board of directors may disagree with one
another, they may be unfriendly and in no way in sympathy with one
another, and still carryon a business that appears to be very successful.
A husband and wife may live together, raise a family, and accu-
mulate a fair-sized or even a great fortune, without having the bond
of harmony that is essential for the development of a Master Mind.
But all these alliances might be made more powerful and effective
if based upon a foundation of perfect harmony, thus permitting the
development of the supplemental power of the Master Mind.
All cooperative effort produces power, there can be no doubt about
this, but cooperative effort that is based upon complete harmony of
purpose develops superpower.
Let every member of any cooperative group set their hearts
on the achievement of the same definite end, in a spirit of perfect
harmony, and the way has been paved for the development of a
Master Mind-providing all members of the group willingly sub-
ordinate their own personal interests for the attainment of the
objective for which the group is aiming.
These United States were born as the result of one of the most
powerful Master Minds ever created. The members of this Master
Mind were the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The men
who signed that document either consciously or unconsciously put
into operation the power known as the Master Mind, and that power
was sufficient to enable them to defeat all soldiers who were sent into
the field against them. The men who fought to make the Declaration
of Independence endure did not fight for money alone; they fought for
a principle-the principle of freedom, which is the highest-known
motivating force.
A great leader, whether in business, finance, industry, or states-
manship, is one who understands how to create a motivating objective
that will be accepted with Enthusiasm by every member of their group
of followers.