Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

In politics a "live issue" is everything. A live issue is some popular
objective which the majority of the voters can be rallied toward the
attainment o£ These "issues" are generally broadcast in the form of
snappy slogans, such as "Keep Cool with Coolidge," which suggested
to the minds of the voters that to keep Coolidge was the equivalent
of keeping prosperity. And it worked.
During Lincoln's election campaign the cry was "Stand back of
Lincoln and preserve the Union:' It worked.
Woodrow Wilson's campaign managers, during his second cam-
paign, coined the slogan "He kept us out of war:' It worked too.
The degree of power created by the cooperative effort of any group
of people is measured, always, by the nature of the motive that the
group is laboring to attain. This may be profitably kept in mind by
all who organize group efforts for any purpose whatsoever. Find
a motive around which people may be induced to rally in a highly
emotionalized, enthusiastic spirit of perfect harmony and you have
found the starting point for the creation of a Master Mind.
Most people will work harder for the attainment of an ideal than
they will for mere money. In searching for a "motive" as the basis for
developing cooperative group effort, it will be profitable to bear this
in mind. Give someone a sufficiently vitalized motive and even the
person of average ability, under ordinary circumstances, will suddenly
develop superpower.
What a man can and will accomplish to please the woman of
his choice has ever been a source of wonderment to students of the
human mind.
There are three major motivating forces to which man responds
in practically all of his efforts:

  1. The motive of self-preservation

  2. The motive of sexual contact

  3. The motive of financial and social power

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