Leaders who are seeking a motivating force out of which to secure
action may find it under one or more of those three classifications.
The three major motivating forces have been noted here for the
guidance of the leader who wishes the Cooperation of followers who
will throw themselves into carrying out his or her plans in a spirit
of unselfishness and perfect harmony. We do well that which we love
to do, and fortunate is the leader who has the good judgment to
assign all of their followers the roles that harmonize with this law.
Regardless of who you are, or what your Definite Chief Aim
may be, if you plan to attain the object of your chief aim through
the cooperative efforts of others, you must set up in the minds of those
whose Cooperation you seek a motive strong enough to ensure their
full, undivided, unselfish Cooperation. When you do, you will be
empowering your plans with the law of the Master Mind.
As you will have observed, this lesson is very closely related to
Lesson One and Lesson Two which cover the law of the Master Mind.
It is possible for groups to function cooperatively without creating a
Master Mind, such as when people cooperate merely out of necessity
and without the spirit of harmony as the basis of their efforts. This
sort of Cooperation may produce considerable power, but it doesn't
compare with what is possible when every person in an alliance sub-
ordinates their own individual interests.
The extent to which people may be induced to cooperate, in har-
mony, depends on the motivating force that impels them to action.
The perfect harmony essential for creating a Master Mind develops
only when the motivating force of a group is sufficient to cause each
member of the group to completely forget his or her own personal in-
terests and work for the good of the group, or for the sake of attaining
some idealistic, charitable, or philanthropic objective.
You are now ready for Lesson Fourteen, which will teach you how
to make working capital out of all mistakes, errors, and failures that