Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

All these men had two outstanding qualities: a definite purpose
and a firm decision to transform that purpose into reality.

The person of decision gets what he or she goes after, no matter how
long it takes or how difficult the task.
An able salesman had wanted to meet a Cleveland banker but the
banker would not see him. One morning this salesman waited near
the banker's house until he saw him get into his car and head down-
town. Watching his opportunity, the salesman drove his own car into
the banker's, causing slight damage to the car. The salesman got out
of his car, handed his card to the banker, expressed regret about the
damage done, and promised the banker a new car exactly like the one
he had damaged. That afternoon a new car was delivered to the banker
and out of that transaction grew a friendship that developed into a
business partnership that still exists.
The person of decision cannot be stopped. The person of inde-
cision cannot be started. Make your own choice.

Behind him lay the gray Azores,
Behind the Gates oj Hercules;
Bifore him not the ghosts oj shores;
Bifore him only shoreless seas.
The good mate said: ((Now must we pray,
For lot the very stars are gone.
Brave Adm'r'l, speak; what shall I say?"
((Why, say: (Sail on and on!'"


When Columbus began his famous voyage he made one of the
most far-reaching decisions in the history of mankind. Had he not

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