remained firm on that decision, the freedom of America as we know
it today would never have been realized.
Take notice of those about you and observe this significant fact:
The successful men and women are those who reach decisions quickly
and then stand firmly by those decisions after they are made.
If you are one of those who make up their minds today then and
change them again tomorrow, you are doomed to failure. If you are
not sure which way to move, it is better to shut your eyes and move in
the dark than to remain still and make no move at all.
The world will forgive you if you make mistakes, but it will never
forgive you if you make no decisions, because it will never hear of you
outside the community in which you live.
No matter who you are or what may be your life's work, you are
playing checkers with Time! It is always your next move. Move with
quick decision, and Time will favor you. Stand still and Time will wipe
you off the board.
You cannot always make the right move, but if you make enough
moves you may take advantage of the law of averages and pile up a
creditable score before the great game of life is ended.