would acquire an education I could make my mark in the world. I
had been acquiring that education without knowing it.
Over a period of more than twenty years I had been going to
school at the University of Hard Knocks, as you must have observed
from my description of my various turning points. As I stood in front
of that window my entire past, with its bitter and its sweet, its ups
and its downs, passed before me in review.
The time had come for another turning point!
I sat down at my typewriter and, to my astonishment, my hands
began to play a tune on the keyboard. I had never written so rapidly
or so easily before. I did not plan or think about what I was writing
-I just wrote whatever came into my mind.
Unconsciously, I was laying the foundation for the most impor-
tant turning point of my life, for when I finished I had prepared a
document through which I would finance a national magazine that
would give me contact with people throughout the English-speaking
So greatly did that document influence my own career, and the
lives of tens of thousands of other people, that I believe it will be of
interest to the students of this course. Therefore, I am reproducing it
just as it appeared in Hill's Golden Rule magazine, where it was first
I am writing on Monday, November eleventh, 1918. Today
will go down in history as the greatest holiday.
On the street, just outside my office window, the surging
crowds of people are celebrating the downfall of an influence
that has menaced civilization for the past four years.
The war is over. Soon our boys will be coming back home
from the battlefields of France. The lord and master of brute
force is nothing but a shadowy ghost of the past!