Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

After the Second World War, The League of Nations was superceded by
the creation of the United Nations, of which America was one of the founding
nations. Unfortunately, the UN has not often lived up to Hill's conception of
a Master Mind, which requires that the participants come together in perfect

The time when such unity of minds will take place will be measured
largely by the time required for the great universities and nonsectarian
institutions of learning to supplant ignorance and superstition with
understanding and wisdom. This time is rapidly approaching.

Failure to develop a Master Mind can create enormous, embarrassing fiascoes. The
Metropolitan Transit Authority of New York owned a valuable piece of property on
Columbus Circle, one of the city's busiest intersections. The old Coliseum there had
been made obsolete by a new Convention Center, so the Transit Authority decided
to sell the land to a developer for a new building. Several companies bid, and a
winner was selected. When the design for the building was unveiled, however, there
was enormous public outcry, for the building was so large that its shadow would lie
over vast stretches of Central Park.
So the developers paid for a new building deSign, but it, too, was greeted with
public dismay, for it made only a token effort to address the many objections. Citizen
groups circulated petitions and threatened lawsuits. Wealthy individuals who lived
in the neighborhood protested just as loudly as did people on the street, because all
felt that the park was threatened. The Transit Authority, the developer, even the city
government tried to make the building happen, but at every turn they were stymied
by people who were outraged.
Finally, the developer gave up. Hundreds of millions of dollars had been spent
on the project, the Transit Authority lost its sale, construction jobs were lost, and
the Coliseum sat empty and unused for a decade. All this because the leaders of the
project failed to create harmony among the people of the city.
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