national or world history and observe how tactfully and effectively
war has been glorified and so described that it not only did not
shock the mind of the student, but it actually established a plausible
justification of war.
War grows out of the desire of the individual to gain advantage at the
expense of his fellow men, and the smoldering embers of this desire
are fanned into a flame through the grouping of these individuals who
place the interests of the group above those of other groups.
War cannot be stopped suddenly. It can be eliminated only by
education, through the aid of the principle of subordination of indi-
vidual interests to the broader interests of the human race as a whole.
Man's tendencies and activities, as I have already stated, grow
out of the two great forces of physical heredity and social heredity.
It is through physical heredity that man inherits these early tendencies
to destroy his fellow men out of self-protection. This practice is a
holdover from the age when the struggle for existence was so great
that only the physically strong could survive.
Gradually man began to learn that the individual could survive
under more favorable circumstances by allying himself with others,
and out of that discovery grew our modern society through which
groups of people have formed states, and these groups in turn have
formed nations. There is but little tendency toward warfare between
the individuals of a particular group or nation, for they have learned,
through the principle of social heredity, that they can best survive
by subordinating the interest of the individual to that of the group.
Now the problem is to extend this principle of grouping so that
the nations of the world will subordinate their individual interests to
those of the human race as a whole.