This desirable end may be attained in a single generation under
the right sort of Leadership. But, more likely, it will not be attained
for many generations to come, because those who have the ability
to assume this Leadership are too busy in their pursuit of worldly
wealth to make the necessary sacrifice for the good of generations
yet unborn.
War can be eliminated not by appeal to reason but by appeal
to the emotional side of humanity. This appeal must be made by
organizing and highly emotionalizing the people of the different
nations of the world in support of a universal plan for peace, and
this plan must be forced upon the minds of the oncoming genera-
tions with the same diligent care that we now force upon the minds
of our young the ideal of our respective religions.
lt is not stating the possibilities too strongly to say that the
churches of the world could establish universal peace as an interna-
tional ideal within one generation if they would apply just one-half
of the effort that they now apply in opposing one another.
In brief, if the present organized forces of the world will not lend
their support to establishing universal peace as an international ideal,
then new organizations must be created that will do so.
lt staggers the imagination what all the leading churches of all
religions, and the leading schools, and the press of the world could
accomplish, within a single generation, in forcing the ideal of univer-
sal peace upon both the adult and the child minds of the world.
The majority of the people of the world want peace, wherein lies
the possibility of its attainment!
Those who do not want peace are the ones who profit by war.
In numbers, this group constitutes but a fragment of the power of
the world and could be swept aside as though it did not exist, if the
multitude who do not want war were organized in their objective.
In dosing, it seems appropriate to apologize for the unfinished
state of this essay, but it may be pardonable to suggest that the