Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

If I were the owner of a business school, I would begin cultivating
the boys and girls of my community from the time they reached the
fifth grade, on up through high school, so that by the time they were
through high school and ready to choose a vocation, I would have the
name of my business school well fixed in their minds.
If I were a grocer, or a department-store owner, or a druggist, I
would cultivate the children, thereby attracting both them and their
parents to my place of business. If I were a department-store owner
and took whole pages of newspaper ads, as most of them do, I would
run a comic strip at the bottom of each page, illustrating it with scenes
from my playroom, and in this way induce the children to read my
If I were a national advertiser, or the owner of a mail-order house,
I would find appropriate ways and means of establishing a point of
contact with the children of the country, for, let me repeat, there is
no better way of influencing the parent than through the child.
If I were a barber, I would have a room equipped exclusively for
children, for this would also bring me the patronage of both the
children and their parents.
In every city there is an opportunity for a flourishing business for
someone who will operate a restaurant and serve quality home-cooked
meals and cater to families who wish to bring the children. If I were
operating it, I would have the place equipped with well-stocked fishing
ponds, ponies, and all sorts of animals and birds, in order to induce
the children to come out regularly and spend rhe entire day. Why
speak of gold mines when opportunities such as this are abundant?
These are but a few of the ways in which the principle of social
heredity might be used to advantage in business-attract the children
and you attract the parents!
If the nations can build soldiers of war to order, by bending the
minds of their young in the direction of war, businessmen can build
customers to order through the same principle.

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