And it was this same law that Emerson had in mind when he
wrote this:
Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the
liar, but is a stab at the health of human society. On the most
profitable lie the course of events presently lays a destructive
tax; whilst frankness proves to be the best tactics, for it invites
frankness, puts the parties on a convenient footing and makes
their business a friendship. Trust men and they will be true
to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great,
though they make an exception in your favor to all their rules
of trade.
The following is from Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning by the late
Judge Thomas Troward, who was the author of several interesting
volumes including the previously mentioned and recommended The
Edinburgh Lectures.
Once grant the creative power of our thought and there
is an end of struggling for our own way, and an end of gain-
ing it at someone else's expense; for, since by the terms of the
hypothesis we can create what we like, the simplest way of
getting what we want is, not to snatch it from somebody else,
but to make it for ourselves; and, since there is no limit to
thought there can be no need for straining, and for everyone
to have his own way in this manner, would be to banish all
strife, want, sickness, and sorrow from the earth.
Now, it is precisely on this assumption of the creative
power of our thought that the whole Bible rests. If not, what
is the meaning of being saved by Faith? Faith is essentially
thought; and, therefore, every call to have faith in God
is a call to trust in the power of our own thought about
God. "According to your faith be it unto you;' says the Old