Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Harmony seems to be one of Nature's laws without which there can
be no such thing as organized energy, or life in any form whatsoever.
The health of the body as well as the mind is literally built out
of, around, and on the principle of harmony! The energy known as life
begins to disintegrate and death approaches when the organs of the body
stop working in harmony.
The moment harmony ceases at the source of any form of organ-
ized energy (power), the units of that energy are thrown into a chaotic
state of disorder and the power is rendered neutral or passive.
Harmony is also the nucleus around which the principle of mind
chemistry known as a Master Mind develops power. Destroy this har-
mony and you destroy the power that can grow out of the coordinated
effort of a group of individual minds.
This truth has been stated, restated, and presented in every manner
that I could conceive, with unending repetition. But unless you grasp
this principle and learn to apply it, this lesson is useless.
Success in life, no matter what one may call success, is very largely
a matter of adaptation to environment in such a manner that there is
harmony between the individual and their environment. The palace of a
king becomes as a hovel of a peasant if harmony does not abound within
its walls. Conversely, the hut of a peasant may be made to yield more
happiness than the mansion of the rich man, if harmony exists in the
former and not in the latter.
Without perfect harmony the science of astronomy would be as
useless as the bones of a saint because the stars and planets would clash
with one another, and all would be in a state of chaos and disorder.
Without the law of harmony an acorn might grow into a hetero-
geneous tree consisting of the wood of the oak, poplar, maple, and
Without the law of harmony there cannot be proper organization
of knowledge, for what, may one ask, is organized knowledge except
the harmony of facts and truths and natural laws?

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