with one another. This call for cooperative iffort is taking on many forms,
not the least important of which are the Rotary clubs, the Kiwanis
clubs, the Lions clubs, and the many other organizations that bring
men together in a spirit of friendly communication, for these clubs
mark the beginning of an age of friendly competition in business.
The next step will be a closer alliance of all such clubs in an out-and-
out spirit of friendly Cooperation.
The attempt by Woodrow Wilson and his contemporaries to
establish the League of Nations, followed by the efforts of Warren
G. Harding to give footing to the same cause under the name of the
World Court, marked the first attempt in the history of the world
to make the Golden Rule effective as a common meeting ground for
the nations of the world.
There is no escape from the fact that the world has awakened
to the truth in George D. Herron's statement that "we are hourly
choosing between brotherhood in suffering and brotherhood in good:'
The world war has taught us-no, has forced upon us-the truth
that a part of the world cannot suffer without injury to the whole
world. I mention this not to preach morality, but to point out that
the underlying law through which these changes are being brought
about is the Golden Rule philosophy. The world has been thinking
about this rule for more than four thousand years, and the benefits
that come to those who apply it are now being realized.
If you can grasp the significance of the tremendous change that
has come over the world since the close of the world war, and if you
can interpret the meaning of all the luncheon clubs and other similar
gatherings which bring men and women together in a spirit of friendly
Cooperation, surely you will see that there is opportunity to profit by
adopting this spirit of friendly Cooperation as the basis of your own
business or professional philosophy.
And stated conversely, it must also be obvious to all who make any
pretense of thinking accurately, that failure to adopt the Golden Rule