These are examples of the benefits which everyone derives
from capital, benefits which could not be obtained without vast
expenditures of money; benefits which come to us without
our care and lay their blessings at our feet. Capital cannot be
invested in any useful production without blessing a multitude
of people. It sets the machinery of life in motion, it multiplies
employment; it places the product of all climes at every door,
it draws the people of all nations together; brings mind in con-
tact with mind, and gives to every man and woman a large and
valuable share of the product. These are facts which it would
be well for everyone, however poor he may be, to consider.
If capital is such a blessing to labor; if it can only be
brought into use by labor and derives all its value from it, how
can there be any conflict between them? There could be none
if both the capitalist and laborer acted from humane and
Christian principles. But they do not. They are governed by
inhuman and unchristian principles. Each party seeks to get
the largest returns for the least service. Capital desires larger
profits, labor higher wages. The interests of the capitalist and
the laborer come into direct collision. In this warfare capital
has great advantages, and has been prompt to take them. It
has demanded and taken the lion's share of the profits. It
has despised the servant that enriched it. It has regarded the
laborer as menial, a slave, whose rights and happiness it was
not bound to respect. It influences legislators to enact laws
in its favor, subsidizes governments and wields its power for
its own advantage. Capital has been a lord and labor a servant.
While the servant remained docile and obedient, content
with such compensation as its lord chose to give, there was
no conflict. But labor is rising from a servile, submissive, and
hopeless condition. It has acquired strength and intelligence;
has gained the idea that it has rights that ought to be res-
pected, and begins to assert and combine to support them.