Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

exists. It may be restrained and moderated, but it will assert
itself when occasion offers. Every wise man must, therefore,
seek to remove the cause, and as far as he can do it he will
control effects. Purify the fountain, and you make the whole
stream pure and wholesome.
There is a principle of universal influence that must under-
lie and guide every successful effort to bring these two great
factors of human good which now confront each other with
hostile purpose, into harmony. It is no invention or discovery
of mine. It embodies a higher than human wisdom. It is not
difficult to understand or apply. The child can comprehend it
and act according to it. It is universal in its application, and
wholly useful in its effects. It will lighten the burdens of
labor and increase its rewards. It will give security to capital
and make it more productive. It is simply the Golden Rule,
embodied in these words: ((Therefore all things whatsoever ye
would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this
is the law and the prophets."
Before proceeding to apply this principle to the case in
hand, let me call your special attention to it. It is a very
remarkable law of human life which seems to have been
generally overlooked by statesmen, philosophers, and religious
teachers. This rule embodies the whole of religion; it com-
prises all the precepts, commandments, and means of the
future triumphs of good over evil, of truth over error, and
the peace and happiness of men, foretold in the glorious
visions of the prophets.
Mark the words. It does not merely say that it is a wise
rule; that it accords with the principles of the Divine order
revealed in the law and the prophets. It embodies them all; it ((IS
the law and the prophets." It comprises love to God. It says we
should regard Him as we desire to have Him regard us; that
we should do to Him as we wish to have Him do to us. If

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