Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

vn I recognize the power of thought as being an inlet
leading into my brain from the universal ocean of life,
therefore I will set no destructive thoughts afloat upon
that ocean lest they pollute the minds of others.

VITI. I will conquer the common human tendency toward
hatred, and envy, and selfishness, and jealousy, and mal-
ice, and pessimism, and doubt, and fear, for I believe
these to be the seed from which the world harvests
most of its troubles.
IX. When my mind is not occupied with thoughts that
tend toward the attainment of my Definite Chief Aim
in life, I will voluntarily keep it filled with thoughts
of courage, and Self-Confidence, and goodwill toward
others, and faith, and kindness, and loyalty, and love
for truth and justice, for I believe these to be the seed
from which the world reaps its harvest of progressive
X. I understand that a mere passive belief in the sound-
ness of the Golden Rule philosophy is of no value
whatsoever, either to myself or to others. Therefore, I
will actively put into operation this universal rule for
good in all my transactions with others.
XI. I understand the law through the operation of which
my own character is developed from my own acts and
thoughts. Therefore, I will guard with care all that goes
into its development.
XII. Realizing that enduring happiness comes only through
helping others find it, that no act of kindness is without
its reward, even though it may never be directly repaid,
I will do my best to assist others when and where the
opportunity appears.

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