“Nine to five ain’t takin’ me where I’m
—Neil Diamond, from “Thank the Lord for the
“You’ve got to be careful if you don’t
know where you’re going because you
might not get there.”
—Yogi Berra
re you concerned about whether
you can put together a first-rate
business plan and loan appli-
cation? Don’t worry.
How to Write a Business Plan contains
detailed forms and step-by-step instruc-
tions designed to help you prepare a well-
thought-out, well-organized plan. Coupled
with your positive energy and will to
succeed, you’ll be able to design a business
plan and loan package that you will be
proud to show to the loan officer at your
bank, the Small Business Administration,
or your Uncle Harry.
After working with hundreds of business
owners, I have observed an almost
universal truth about business planning:
Writing a plan is a journey through the
mind of one person. Even in partnerships
and corporations, usually one person has
the vision and energy to take an idea and
turn it into a business by writing a business
plan. For that reason, I have addressed this
book to the business owner as a single
individual rather than a husband-and-wife
team, group, committee, partnership, or
corporation. And you’ll find that the same
financial and analytical tools necessary to
convince potential lenders and investors
that your business idea is sound can also
help you decide whether your idea is the
right business for you.
What Kind of Plan Do You Need?
You can use How to Write a Business
Plan to write whatever type of plan best
suits your needs:
• Complete business plan. A complete
business plan is especially helpful
for people who are starting a new
business. This form of plan is also
excellent for convincing prospective