And a Few More Words
As I write this, the book has been in print
for over 25 years and has sold more than
150,000 copies. I have heard that it has been
pirated in some parts of the former Soviet
Union. Since it first came out I have taught,
lectured, and consulted on business plans in
a wide variety of forums. I have taken that
experience and reformulated the exercises
in the book to make them more effective as
well as easier and quicker to use.
I remain friends with many of the people
I met through the book and occasionally
help them over rough spots in their
planning, which is the most gratifying part
of the experience for me. My business is
helping people write business plans that
find money for their businesses. Call me at
415-816-2982 and I’ll listen or help if I can.
You can also email me at mckeever.mp@
gmail.com. Please mention “Nolo Busi-
ness Plan Book” in the subject line of your
email, otherwise I might delete it as a spam
message. Finally, to avoid always using the
pronoun “he” when referring to individuals
in general, and to further avoid clumsy
neologisms like “s/he” and awkward
phraseologies like “he/she” and “he or
she,” I have compromised by the random
use of “he” in some instances and “she”
in others. I hope I have arrived at a fair
balance. Also, keep in mind that wherever
possible, this book uses plain language, not
jargon. As a result, you may find that I have
often substituted simple terminology for
traditional business plan lingo. ●