Ideally, your personal goals and
commitments will tie into the business
goals exactly. In reality, you probably have
at least some personal goals that don’t have
much to do with business profi tability.
exAmple 1:
“My reasons for starting this business
are to make a good living, prove I can
be successful, enjoy the freedom of
independence, and have lots of free
time to work on my car collection.
In addition, I would like to create a
business that I can bequeath to my
Most people starting small businesses
are tied to them full-time (if not more),
and it’s unrealistic to think that there
will be a lot of time left to tinker with
a car collection. Assuming our budding
entrepreneur is willing to postpone
most of his tinkering until his business
is established, here’s how this statement
could be rewritten to sound a little better
to a potential backer.
exAmple 2:
“My personal and business goals largely
coincide. Successful implementation of
this business plan will enable me to meet
the following personal goals: provide
a good living for my family; work in
a fi eld I know and like; achieve the
personal satisfaction of seeing my
plan come true; enjoy the prestige and
independence accruing to a successful
business owner; provide a legacy for
my children; and provide the means to
a richer and more fulfi lling life for both
myself and my family.”
Notice that in Example 2, “time to
work on cars” was translated to “provide
the means to a richer life.” Perhaps your
statement will neither be this lyrical nor
obfuscatory, but hopefully you get the
Antoinette Gorzak’s
Personal Goal Statement
I want to accomplish a number of goals by
starting Antoinette’s Dress Shop.
I want to prove that I can create a
successful and worthwhile business by
drawing on my educational background
and work experience. I feel that choosing
and selling good clothes at a fair price will
be an honest service to my customers and
the community generally. I want to spend
my time working with customers and
people in the clothing business who share
my values.
I want the chance to make a better
living than I can make by working for
others, along with the responsibility and
freedom to be my own boss.