It seems that Antoinette needs to
find some combination of higher sales
estimates, lower fixed costs, and higher
gross profit margin that will improve
profits so that she can make a living wage.
But the really critical part is this: She must
be absolutely sure that she can meet all the
forecast changes she makes.
Antoinette was sure of her first forecasts;
unfortunately, those forecasts produced
a loss for the first year of business. Now,
while she can manipulate the numbers
to show a profit, the danger is that the
numbers may not be achievable. She may
be able to create a good-looking business
plan but may be unable to meet those
revised projections. Or, just as dangerous,
she may become uneasy about the project’s
success. A lack of confidence may just
be enough to take the edge off her drive
and dedication and enough to make the
project fail.
Make sure that you have the same
level of confidence in the revised forecast that
you had in the first forecast. Obviously, you
can fiddle with the numbers and show good
profits, but the danger lies in making the goals
impossible to reach. We all have a desire to
make things work, and making the numbers
work is very easy to do. Just remember that
you’ll have to live with the numbers you write
down for a very long time. Make sure they’re
What You Have Accomplished ...................................................................................................
We’ll follow Antoinette throughout her
journey later in the book and see what
combination of figures she settles on. For
now, let’s review what you’ve learned so far.
You’ve decided whether to write a complete
plan for your business by completing these
• choosing a business you know well
• identifying a need you can fill (the
customer’s problem)
• describing your business and how it
will fill that need
• deciding that your business is the right
idea at the right time
• deciding that you like your business, and
• forecasting enough profits to make
writing a complete business plan
In this chapter, you’ve been answering
questions for yourself. Now that you’ve
answered the questions positively, you can
proceed to sell your idea and your answers
to potential financial partners. The next
few chapters show you how to write a
document that sells your idea. ●