James T. “Jim” Phillips
Manager, Th e Computer Store, San Jose (2007 to present)
Manager of chain retail computer and electronic store with annual sales of three million dollars.
• Hired, managed, and fi red sales and support staff of 15-20 to meet sales goals established
by chain management.
• Developed promotional plans and merchandising strategy, which resulted in the store
exceeding sales and profi tability goals by at least 10% each year.
• Created a computerized inventory plan used by all stores in the 62-store chain. Received
Manager of the Month award seven times..
• Conceived and implemented a quarterly newsletter (Compufacts) that was mailed to
all 62 stores’ customers. Enabled us to maintain close contact with customers as well as
directly market to them.
Self-employed Software Sales Representative (2000 to 2007)
Acted as independent sales representative for three software developers: Softy, Inc. (Cupertino,
CA), Biosoft (Colorado Springs, CO), and Playtime (San Jose, CA).
• Increased sales of all three, enabling them to expand and hire more programmers.
• Developed a comprehensive knowledge of the software marketing process. Helped
organize a money-back, no-questions-asked warranty program.
Computer Programmer, Southern Atlantic Railroad Company (1991 to 2000)
Worked in FORTRAN, COBOL, and BASIC languages on IBM mainframe computer doing real-
time applications on freight car locations as well as miscellaneous business programming.
• Saved the company approximately $2.3 million by designing a better program to handle
both automatic banking and collection of receivables.
• Helped design a new freight car location computer program, which resulted in an increase
in car utilization from 60% to 65%.
I had several part-time jobs doing bookkeeping while attending programming school.
Bachelor of Arts Degree, History, San Jose State College, 1987
Master of Arts Degree, History, University of California, Berkeley, 1990
Certifi ed Programmer, ACME Programming School, 1996
Active in Boy Scouts and United Way; handicap golfer.