Inspiration to Live Your Magic: 75 Inspiring Biographies

(John Hannent) #1

representatives from many nations were able to see and hear what she was doing. That’s
when the Green Belt Movement really took off, spreading across Kenya and Africa, and
serving as a role model for many nations.
Over the years, Dr. Maathai’s group began to stand for other issues as well as the
environment - issues like democracy and justice. Kenya only allowed one political party
to exist, and tried to deny or stifle anyone who protested or pointed out problems.
Throughout the 1990s, Wangari Maathai and her supporters fought for broader
democracy. She was threatened, arrested, beaten, and jailed - but never silenced. It took
more than a decade of struggle, but finally Kenya had democratic elections with many
parties represented.
Dr. Maathai was eventually elected to the national parliament, won the Nobel Peace Prize
in 2004, and planted a tree with Barack Obama. Today, she continues to work for the
causes she is known for - people and the environment.

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