Inspiration to Live Your Magic: 75 Inspiring Biographies

(John Hannent) #1

delicate-looking woman have the courage to sneak through enemy-held territory with her
secret information?
It turned out that she had not only the courage, but also the smarts and determination to
achieve her goal. Secord avoided American sentries on the roads by cutting through the
woods, crossing rivers and fields on foot, without a map: ultimately covering more than
twenty miles to reach her destination.
It took her all day and she arrived exhausted, but Laura Secord arrived in time. When the
Americans attacked the next day, they didn’t have a chance - the British and Canadian
soldiers were waiting for them.
Laura Secord received no official thanks or recognition for her brave act until she was
eighty-five years old, but today there are monuments in her honor, and history books
credit her with helping Canada win the War of 1812.

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