You’re Beautiful on the Inside

(niqane) #1

Mr.Clean gives me a look. I walk over to him. He holds out a stack of cash and tells me
to come back tomorrow. I take it and leave. This isthe easiest job I've ever had. But
now I have time to plot revenge on Karesha. So, Igo to her house and I find that the
door is still open. She isn't here, so I called hercell. And it rings. I find that creepy so I
leave. Okay too many weird things have been happeningever since i've been in the
spotlight. I head to the beauty supply store for awig since I still have this hat on to cover
up my baldness. I am still wearing this flashy outfitand someone catcalls me. He tried to
touch me so, I took off the hat. At least being baldcame in handy today. I asked the
person at the cashier how much for a wig. He respondswith, “ Today we have a sale of
$30 for 2 wigs. Would you like that?” I shake my head,yes. Anything to cover this mess
up. He hands them to me. One curly, one straight,and I handed him a benjamin. He
says, “ Thank you so much, come again!” I love beingrich and giving to others.

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