You’re Beautiful on the Inside

(niqane) #1

one deserves to be treated differently because of their looks. He gave me the lead role
because the movie was about making fun of Eve. Eveis the lady I played in the film.
He, in his heart, only cares about using people andmoney. He doesn't care if his
co-workers, or fans admire him. Let's all go and takehim down. And we can't let PGLife
doesn’t define us anymore.” “Yeah!” everyone shouted,overlapping. I guess we were all
victims of being uglyshamed. We all drive to WhiteClean’s building, Casa de Actores,
and walk in demanding he take our films down. He looksafraid, like he wants to cry. Too
late for that. Mona runs out of nowhere and defendshim by saying, “It's not his fault!
You guys wanted to be movie stars and that's whatwe made you. We have put
countless money and time into all of you. If youwant your films taken down, give us our
money back.” Everyone heads towards the door in agreementthat they don't have the
money. I yell, “Wait, it's just a front we can’t giveup now. Think about how much money
they make off of the movies, they don't need money.” Mona crosses her arms and
glares at me. “I see you're a smart one. Fine, whatdo you guys want?” Mona
announces. “Mom, you can't be serious,” White says.Of course that's his mom, it all
makes sense now! Mona shushes him and continues, “Whateveryou guys want we can
have it.” I say we throw a party here. Where EVERYONEis invited. Plus no restrictions.
“We want a party.” I tell her, not taking no for ananswer.

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