You’re Beautiful on the Inside

(niqane) #1

of you did great yesterday. Today we have to do some test runs and see if you are fit for
this role.” Mr.Clean says. We all are unamused. Noneof us actually wanted to be here.
They pull out a mat, a sportsball, and a microphone.“Which of these stands out to you
the most? Pick one and stand by it.” I go towardsthe ball. Well, me and 1 other girl. 5
girls go to the microphone and 3 go to the mat. Hewalks over to me and the girl at the
ball. He looks as if he wants to punch us. Now thatI think about it, he has the feng shui
of a creep. But he just yells, “Everyone leave! Exceptfor you and you.” He pointed at us
near the ball. Maybe he preys on tomboyish girls.He pulls out pieces of paper and
gives one to each of us. It reads; I, ___, herebyaccept the lead role or the under
study. We are supposed to circle which one we’d like.I circle ;under study’ and hand the
paper back to him. I read her paper. The other girl’sname is A’Lizzieana. She circled
‘lead role’. We stand there awkwardly waiting on something,anything that truly makes
sense. He finally began talking again, “ We startwork tomorrow, come dressed in
something pretty and fitted.” and he walks off strutting.Yeah he’s either gay or a
predator. A’Lizzieana walks up to me and says, “Callme lizzie. And you are?”. “Lora, but
you can call me RaRa.” I say. We both smile and walkaway. I walk to my car looking
down, on my phone. Then out of nowhere I get snatchedbut I fight him off. When he
releases, I see it's my so-called idol. He must becrazy, because he shrugs and says,
“Use that strength tomorrow at rehearsal. I was justtesting you.” I honestly don't know
what to say so I run to my car. In my car I founda note. I read it in my head, then I look
around and pull off. When I get home I call my bestfriendand tell her that I got casted in
a movie as the understudy of the lead. She doesn’tlet me tell her the bad part. She
says, “ I know. Everyone does. You’re already on thecover of a magazine, you're in a

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