It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1

as medicine,’ I counsel every patient I see on
nutrition due to its powerful ability to heal
and restore. I can attest to the safety and
efficacy of the Whole30 program, particularly
in the area of food sensitivities, autoimmune
diseases and digestive disorders like IBS and
IBD. The plan is organized, doable and easy to
follow. Every patient with these disorders
should show this program to their doctor and
give it a try.”

—Lauren Noel,   ND

“The Whole30 program is a great tool to get
people motivated and on track. Its focus is
real, whole, high-quality foods. This is not
some fad diet that cuts calories to a ridiculous
level and prescribes pills and powders—there
is nothing for sale but health. If done correctly
it is safe, effective, sustainable, and includes
nothing outlandish, expensive or hazardous—
just the basic tenets of good nutrition and

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