margarine, and more artificially-sweetened
coffee. You head to work, stopping on the way
for a “skinny” caramel macchiato, your treat
for the day.
Your high-carb, low-fat, protein-sparse
breakfast yields rapid and prolonged elevated
blood sugar levels and a disproportionately
high insulin response (because you’re still
insulin resistant). These high levels of blood
sugar and insulin create “silent” damage in
the body and increase your risk for a number
of lifestyle-related diseases and conditions.
And that’s just breakfast.
By midmorning, your blood sugar has
crashed (cue cortisol to tell glucagon you need
blood sugar stat!) and you’re raging hungry,
so you grab a low-fat blueberry muffin and a
juice drink. Once again, large amounts of
sugar begets large(r) amounts of insulin, and
you jump on the energy-focus-mood-hunger
roller coaster and take another ride. Since