So maybe now you’re thinking, “Then I
must need to eat less.”
Wrong again.
You’ve already tried that, too, with all of
the low-fat, low-calorie “health foods” you’ve
been eating. But consider the food choices
you’ve made in these last two symbolic days.
We didn’t have the hypothetical you binging
on pizza, cheeseburgers, or Cool Ranch
Doritos. Why? Because we can easily make
our point with granola bars, bagels, and low-
fat yogurt. Surprised that candy, cakes, and
cookies aren’t the only foods-with-no-brakes?
Processed foods that add or concentrate
carbohydrates, sugar, salt, and/or fat—even
the “healthy” ones—more than meet the
Which leads to overconsumption. Which
leads to leptin resistance, insulin resistance,
and a disrupted cortisol cycle. All of which
further promote overconsumption.