inflammation.) Adipose tissue (body fat) is
largely regarded by the scientific community
as a separate endocrine organ, producing a
number of different biologically active
messengers. When fat cells are damaged by
being overfilled, certain immune cells are
summoned to fat tissue to help repair and
clean up the damaged cells. These immune
cells then secrete additional immune-reactive
substances that increase inflammation in the
fat itself as well as elsewhere in the body.
The more body fat you have, the more of
these inflammatory compounds your fat cells
can secrete. So if you’re overweight, we can
be pretty sure you’re also somewhat inflamed.
Guess what? Belly fat is especially active in
this process, contributing to inflammation
more than fat stores in other areas (like your
buttocks or thighs).
More specifically, however, we believe
that silent inflammation isn’t so silent when
you know what you’re listening for. This is a