contributes positively to our health? *
What may surprise you is that both sugar
and artificial sweeteners fail all four of our
Good Food standards.
We think of the sweet stuff first when
describing foods that provoke an unhealthy
psychological response. Because the
sweetness of sugar is addictive, eating an
excess amount is easy. The more sugar we eat,
the more we get acclimated to high levels, and
the more we want.
Artificial sweeteners may be even more
problematic because they are designed to
deliver a sweetness hit that is far beyond what
you could ever find in nature.
Aspartame (Equal) and stevia are 200 to
300 times sweeter than table sugar.
Sucralose (Splenda) is 600 times sweeter
than table sugar.
Saccharin (Sweet’N Low) is up to 700