you eat more to satisfy your
craving. See how that plays right
into the supernormally
stimulating artificial sweeteners?
Added sugar is one of the quickest and
easiest foods to provoke an unhealthy
hormonal response. Overconsumption of
sugar-sweetened, nutrient-poor processed
foods means blood sugar levels rise too high,
too often, which promotes a reliance on
carbohydrate for fuel. Excess carbohydrate is
turned into triglycerides, which, along with
chronically elevated blood sugar, contributes
to leptin resistance. It also means fat isn’t
burned for fuel, which may lead to an
accumulation of body fat. Leptin resistance
promotes further overconsumption, which
means fat accumulates inside cells, leading to
insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, and
chronically elevated insulin levels. Elevated
cortisol levels promote stress-related