Sugar also messes with the healthy
environment of our guts, specifically altering
the delicate balance of “good” and “bad”
bacteria. Unfriendly gut bacteria love refined
sugars, which means your added sugar intake
serves only to promote the existence of the
bad guys—and can reduce the population of
good guys. This condition (called dysbiosis)
can lead to gas, bloating, cramps, diarrhea,
constipation, and inflammatory symptoms
like fatigue, body aches, headaches, and joint
problems. Artificial sweeteners like Splenda
may also kill off your beneficial flora, even
when consumed in “normal” amounts.
Finally, sugar promotes inflammation in
the body two different ways. First,
concentrated sugars added to processed foods
promote overconsumption, which in turn
promotes inflammation via leptin and insulin
resistance. In addition, sugar’s effect on gut
bacteria and promotion of gut dysbiosis (like
when “bad” bacteria are wreaking havoc) is by