It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1

our cells themselves more vulnerable. (It’s
like building a house with termite-ridden
wood. The more termite-damaged wood you
use, the more unstable the house.) The PUFAs
in our cell walls can be oxidized by free
radicals, creating toxic byproducts and setting
off a cascade of equally destructive chain
reactions. These reactions cause all sorts of
damage, and provoke (you guessed it!)
systemic inflammation.

Strike  two.



Remember when we said seed oils are in
everything, and so we eat a lot of them? It’s
not just about the amount of PUFA we
consume—it’s also about how much of that
PUFA comes from omega-6 fatty acids. Seed
oils contain an abundance of omega-6, while
providing us with virtually no omega-3s.

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