and little micronutrition because they are so
heavily processed.
In other words, they’re junk food.
The flours from refined grains form the
foundation of most of the supernormally
stimulating, nutrient-poor, carbohydrate-
dense foods-with-no-brakes. (Remember, we
don’t eat these foods by themselves—they’re
ingredients.) These junk foods promote
chronic overconsumption, elevated blood
sugar levels, reliance on glucose for fuel,
accumulation of body fat, and an increase in
free fatty acids and triglycerides in the blood.
And, if you continue to overconsume them (as
is so easy to do), you can say hello to leptin
resistance, insulin resistance, and all the
negative downstream consequences to your
Which is how refined grains fail our first
and second Good Food standards.
This should come as no surprise, as