Just because you don’t have CD or GS
doesn’t mean grains are good for you, whether
they contain gluten or not. Corn and oats, for
example, contain different prolamins and
other compounds that may be similarly
irritating, or worse. While these protein
fractions and compounds have not yet been as
well studied as gluten, it’s fair to say that they
have the potential to create similar
undesirable effects on your gut function and
immune status.
That is how grains—even whole grains—
fail our third and fourth Good Food standards.
When you regularly consume them
(whether whole or refined), you expose your
body to these potentially problematic
proteins. This triggers localized inflammation
in the gut, which (in the presence of intestinal
permeability—an all-too-common condition)
cascades into systemic inflammation,
provoking an often silent immune response
elsewhere in the body.