pesticides, insecticides, feed additives,
hormones, and antibiotics) are often fat-
soluble, which means they are stored in the
animal’s fatty tissues. When we consume the
fat from these animals, we are also ingesting
these toxins. These residues can be hazardous
to humans and are dose-dependent (the more
you consume, the greater the potential risk).
By purchasing lean cuts of conventionally-
raised meat and removing all visible fat, you
can reduce your exposure to these potentially
injurious substances. But allow us to make
one critical point.
It’s not about the fat itself.
As you’ll see in a later chapter, we’re not
fat-phobic, and we aren’t suggesting you
should eat nothing but lean meat. We just
don’t like the toxins that come along for the
ride in factory-farmed meat. However, if
you’re eating 100 percent grass-fed, organic